The Inspector General of Police, Kayode Egbetokun, has directed the immediate investigation and recovery of a second batch of 612 vehicles flagged as stolen on the Electronic Central Motor Registry (e-CMR) platform.
He also ordered the investigation of over 1,610 vehicles with conflicting registration information on the platform.
The e-CMR is an advanced, real-time online repository of motor vehicle data, introduced by the police in July 2024, and designed to support police investigations, operational activities, and combat vehicle-related crimes, including terrorism, banditry, kidnapping, and armed robbery.
According to a statement from the Force Headquarters on Friday and signed by the IGP, the police disclosed that one of the cars stolen from Abuja was recovered after the buyer applied for a CMR certificate, triggering an alert that flagged the vehicle as stolen.
The IGP in the statement, revealed that the police was collaborating with other agencies to ensure the security and safety of citizens’ vehicular assets across the federation.